replace: man_tgx
Neoplan tourlinerv2.scs : Models
Neoplan Kaplamalarv2.scs : textures
Author: FurkanSevke
replace: man_tgx
Neoplan tourlinerv2.scs : Models
Neoplan Kaplamalarv2.scs : textures
Author: FurkanSevke
seriously what is this for .. obviously its not suited to a trucking game.
also some of the parts are in the wrong place when you upgrade…windscreen wipers dont work… when you upgrade from 2×2 to a 4×2 one set of wheels are missing..
if anything make this a ai not drivable.
He should think twice to release a mod like this.
steve if you play in windscreen, dont play with this mod 😉
ok so how is one supposed to drive in a storm… rain hits window.. cant see out…
He’s implying that this mod is just for using in chase or drive by camera views.
In other words, it’s just disco… absolutely useless.
o zman resmini verdiğim şasiyi aynayı kabini seç orospuçocuğu onları boşunamı koyduk oraya öbür türlü kameralar tabi kötü olur. hata bulduğun şeye bak pezevenk. ağzımı bozdurdun bak ingilizce yazmıyorum 😀 güliyimde anlama amk piçi 😀
You are #####. this mod the most bus mod now. of course have got some mistake. because it is truck game. i give pain.
do you make any bus mod ? no so shut up
hocam bu mod sadece galeride mi var yoksa tek seferlik işde kullanabilir miyim?ilk defa indirdiğim için sorayım dedim.
I have a problem.WinRar request a password.What is it?
(PS:Sorry for my orthography,I’m french I don’t speech english verry well)
Before you download the mod, please watch this: (20:00-34:20)