Ownership B-Double + Truck Transpoerter Trailer Mod For Multiplayer (Scania)

This mod adds hybrid Semi-trailers to the game.
You can buy Semi-trailer.
You can play in multiplayer mode with this trailer.
Buy the semi-trailer in single-player mode, then exit the game and enter the multiplayer mode.
Bu mod Oyuna hibrit Dorseler Ekler.
Siz Dorseyi Satınalabilirsiniz.
Siz Bu dorse ile çokluoyunculu modda oynayabilirsiniz.
Dorseyi teklioyuncu modunda satın alın ardından oyundan çıkın ve çokluoyuncu moduna girin.
Этот мод добавляет в игру гибридные полуприцепы.
Вы можете купить Полуприцеп.
Вы можете играть в многопользовательском режиме с этим трейлером.
Купите полуприцеп в режиме одиночной игры, затем выйдите из игры и войдите в многопользовательский режим.



8 thoughts on “Ownership B-Double + Truck Transpoerter Trailer Mod For Multiplayer (Scania)

  1. RU:
    MLT уже не знаешь что придумать.Хватит этой ерунды.Не надо засорять сайт этим хламом!

    MLT no longer know what to come up with. Enough of this nonsense. Do not clutter up the site with this stuff!

    1. Certainly you’ve never played multiplayer mode. You have to write hundreds of lines of code to get a trailer as you want. I don’t know why this is your business. Are you the site administrator?

      1. Конечно, вы никогда не играли в многопользовательский режим. Вы должны написать сотни строк кода, чтобы получить трейлер, как вы хотите. Я не знаю, почему это твое дело. Вы администратор сайта?

      2. hundreds of lines? ####
        I save edit stuff like this also in MP, piece of cake tbh. It’s literally a case of copy paste. Once you know what to do, you can do stuff like this, even stuff more exciting like doubles, triples, doubles with heavy hauls, different cargoes, ANY combination (as long as it’s allowed) in less then 5 min.
        For the people who don’t know how to save edit, and want this, it might be a usefull mod.

  2. One word: Useless….
    Tryed one of them…It s*cks, No tuning whatsoever….
    Sorry but 0-Stars for these mods.

      1. If you know something about Trucks and trucking, you should know, that nearly all are not real and did´not exist in real Life.
        I was more than 30 Years Planner and Trucker, but that is absolutely
        a No Go for me.
        Otherwise, why you don’t merge your Stuff to avoid negative Comments ?
        No, I’m not an Admin here, but more than 10 Years we have our own Sites, where we’re Owner and Webmaster.
        It’s only my friendly Opinion from me. 😉

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