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Europe Economy Cargo Politics – Update 1.1

Updating European cargo economic policy.
Update 1.1
Euro Cargo Group
List of mode changes:
– Change of economic parameters of drivers’ salaries, more realistic policy, but not too strict towards new players who are at the beginning;
– Changing the parameters of police interventions, introduced a stricter punishment policy;
– Change of credit parameters, new loan amounts with relaxed loan repayment policy;
– Change of parameters of damage to vehicles, trailers and cargo, reduced degree of damage per kilometer traveled;

Euro Cargo Group


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Real World Economy – Live a European trucker’s life v1.3

Update 1.3 Changelog
->AI Drivers earning Negative Income Resolved.

Note: – Recommended mod – Used Truck Dealer
Used Truck Dealers are important in real life economy.

Ever thought that what is the financial conditions of European truckers. The objective of this mod is to give you an exposure to the real world trucker’s economic conditions. Every minute details of the economic system of the game have been studied, compared with the real world, and modified to make the game totally realistic. No stone is left unturned from my side, but, if you think that anything else can be made realistic then your ideas are welcomed.

Every minute detail of the things that has been made realistic:-

1)Truck Prices/Parts
The price of every truck has been checked through the internet and updated accordingly.

The game offers 30-50 euros per km which is way more unrealistic. FYI, an average European truck driver earns 0.5-2 euros per km. The revenues are updated accordingly.

the bank is the most important part of a European truck drivers career. The banking system has been modified as follows:
i) 9 Loans
Added 5 more loan amounts. Now, there are a total of 9 different amounts of loans that can be availed.
ii) Interest Rate
The interest rates have been made real. The interest rates have been increased slightly.
iii) Time duration
The time duration in the game to pay the loans are way more unrealistic. Generally, a vehicle loan
lasts between 2-5 years. The values have been updated according to the data available on the internet.
iv) Credit Limits
In real life, credit limits are calculated based on your earnings. But in-game, SCS calculates credit
values based on your level, I have increased credit values up to 5 Million Euros which will increase till Level 70.

4)Fuel prices
Fuel prices have been updated for every country according to the data on 6th July 2020.

5)Towing and Refueling prices
These prices are updated according to the real-world prices. Eg refueling is quite cheaper in the real world.

6)Police fine
Police taking 140 euros for red-light jump and just 200 euros for crash is way more unrealistic. Fines are now updated according to the information about the fines in France.

7)Ferry/Train Prices
These prices are updated and the info was collected from private ferries’ websites.

8)Ai Drivers
The majority of profits earned by Ai drivers now go to you. AI drivers are paid wages realistically. Now, there is not much difference between the earnings of you and ai driver. But, the difference is that a share of ai driver’s earning is given to you.

9)Time Limits
The time limits to deliver the trailer/cargo has been made realistic according to the data collected from the Web.

10)Currency of the world
Currencies of more than 60 countries have been added to make you feel home country. Players from countries that have a high currency conversion rate will feel the game way more realistic as you won’t earn millions from a deliver :D.

11)Garage values
These values have been updated according to data on property selling websites.

12)Trailer Prices
The prices of trailers have been updated accord to real-world data.

I have updated the toll prices for all the countries except Italy and France. I will update their value in future update.

14)Damage Data
The real European truckers are really excellent at their job and usually don’t deal with damages to trucks unlike us. Although, the damage data by SCS is very realistic but a not so good player can’t maintain finances with such damage data. So, to balance out the money, the damage rate has been reduced slightly.

If you like this mod then please donate –

Indianboss( Steam – adishrtv)


Real World Economy – Live a European trucker’s life

Ever thought that what is the financial conditions of European truckers. The objective of this mod is to give you an exposure to the real world trucker’s economic conditions. Every minute details of the economic system of the game have been studied, compared with the real world, and modified to make the game totally realistic. No stone is left unturned from my side, but, if you think that anything else can be made realistic then your ideas are welcomed.

Every minute detail of the things that has been made realistic:-

1)Truck Prices/Parts
The price of every truck has been checked through the internet and updated accordingly.

The game offers 30-50 euros per km which is way more unrealistic. FYI, an average European truck driver earns 0.5-2 euros per km. The revenues are updated accordingly.

the bank is the most important part of a European truck drivers career. The banking system has been modified as follows:
i) 9 Loans
Added 5 more loan amounts. Now, there are a total of 9 different amounts of loans that can be availed.
ii) Interest Rate
The interest rates have been made real. The interest rates have been increased slightly.
iii) Time duration
The time duration in the game to pay the loans are way more unrealistic. Generally, a vehicle loan
lasts between 2-5 years. The values have been updated according to the data available on the internet.
iv) Credit Limits
In real life, credit limits are calculated based on your earnings. But in-game, SCS calculates credit
values based on your level, I have increased credit values up to 5 Million Euros which will increase till Level 70.

4)Fuel prices
Fuel prices have been updated for every country according to the data on 6th July 2020.

5)Towing and Refueling prices
These prices are updated according to the real-world prices. Eg refueling is quite cheaper in the real world.

6)Police fine
Police taking 140 euros for red-light jump and just 200 euros for crash is way more unrealistic. Fines are now updated according to the information about the fines in France.

7)Ferry/Train Prices
These prices are updated and the info was collected from private ferries’ websites.

8)Ai Drivers
The majority of profits earned by Ai drivers now go to you. AI drivers are paid wages realistically. Now, there is not much difference between the earnings of you and ai driver. But, the difference is that a share of ai driver’s earning is given to you.

9)Time Limits
The time limits to deliver the trailer/cargo has been made realistic according to the data collected from the Web.

10)Currency of the world
Currencies of more than 60 countries have been added to make you feel home country. Players from countries that have a high currency conversion rate will feel the game way more realistic as you won’t earn millions from a deliver :D.

11)Garage values
These values have been updated according to data on property selling websites.

12)Trailer Prices
The prices of trailers have been updated accord to real-world data.

I have updated the toll prices for all the countries except Italy and France. I will update their value in future update.

14)Damage Data
The real European truckers are really excellent at their job and usually don’t deal with damages to trucks unlike us. Although, the damage data by SCS is very realistic but a not so good player can’t maintain finances with such damage data. So, to balance out the money, the damage rate has been reduced slightly.

If you like this mod , then please help me with donations.

Indianboss(Steam – adishrtv)


Traffic Pack by GAARAA 1.6

Traffic Pack by GAARAA (Version:1.6)


Extract the The pack contains, “Challenge Manual”, “Readme” file, the “Realistic_Traffic_by_GAARAA_1.6” mod, the “Traffic_Challenge_by_GAARAA_1.6” mod, the “Volatile_Traffic_by_GAARAA_1.6” mod and “Lockdown_Traffic_by_GAARAA_1.6” mod within the zip-file. (USE ANY ONE OF THE MODS.)

Please maintain good space between vehicles ahead of you, specially trucks and busses follow a defensive driving routine. They will just not step on the foot pedal, but will manoeuvre through challenging roads, turns and curves. Skilled driving is required if behind a truck or a bus when travelling across a hill. Plan your journey well, as to avoid dense day traffic. The few bad ones do not follow the no-overtake traffic rule anymore, so be attentive and don’t take anything for granted. No one will let you pass easily at road exits and roundabouts, so be cautious.

“The Challenge” is back, and this may be a test of your patience… Your fellow truckers in the traffic have decided to challenge you with different tasks along the way… which certainly makes your journey more interesting. There are trucks in the traffic that pose a challenge to you. If you are right behind a challenging truck, you might have to complete the task it throws at you. Please refer to the “Readme” or “Challenge Manual” inside this package for more information on challenges. Some challenges are funny and some are adventurous. Just take it as an amusement… & Enjoy. Please post videos of your completed challenges.

Get your “Safety Gear” out and be ready for a joyful ride in the circuit called ETS2. Volatile Traffic is something that forces you to continue directing all your attention and energy to driving. Traffic density is frightfully high, but the flow is also amazing. Patience is needed at road exits, sharp curves on hills and cities. You will enjoy the rapid skills of the ai-traffic.

Lockdown :- STAY HOME STAY SAFE !!!!
The continued and uninterrupted land transport is of crucial importance for the functioning of internal market and its effective response to the current public health crisis. Lockdown orders are keeping millions at home, and highways and once clogged city streets across the bloc are largely free of traffic except for the trucks keeping what’s left of the World’s economy functioning. Now the skies are almost empty, rail schedules are a shadow of their pre-crisis versions and highways are eerily quiet.

Ai-traffic pattern restructured.
Reduced the number of accidents.
Challenges are clearly visible.
Lockdown mod added to the pack.

Finally guys, Please share videos of the moments you experience using this mods. and …surely……….
Look Out for that Crazy Driver.

Constructive feedback appreciated.

Attention! For optimum outcome do not modify.

Respect the original link !!!




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