Rallisport you do better mate ? Doubt it if you can upload somthing either your after attention or you just want to knock folk like i say before appreciate the work the modders and skinners do without them our game would become stale give usfull comments not just its ugly and before you ask i can skin etc but i also am not proficient enough to do some mods that why i give thanks to the folk who help us so upload a skin lets see your work
Hey Rallisport, if you can do it better then show us……..Otherwise shut your dumbass mouth and if you don’t like it, then don’t download it…..It is that simple…..These people put time and effort into making skins and other mods for others to enjoy. They take constructive comments kindly, and they normally respect those comments…..They do not normally take kindly to braindead morons like you giving out dumbass comments like you just did…..And BTW I can skin trucks too like ianwigan but I am not yet good enough to share my work, so I give thanks to those who can and I appreciate them for it. You might want to appreciate them too instead of putting them down.
Like trucker richy says constructive comments are always welcome ive done skins on here and folk say to me youve not got the colour just right or a name on truck in wrong font etc i accept it thats what makes me want to improve as i want to ger better as i enjoy it. I can maybe spend a day getting a ski. Right or a few days or just 30 mins but i put effort into it and accept good and bad comments happy trucking
I would love to see these adapted to the Kenworth Long.
Its a great truck but it begs for more that just a solid color.
Just my thoughts, which if you put them along side a 5-spot it would get you a burger at Burger King.
can You also make a few skins for peterbilt 379 … thanks
Skins for Peterbilt 379 final please, thank you.
This is so ugly
rallisport spends his time with things he finds ugly.
His girlfriend must be hideous.
Rallisport you do better mate ? Doubt it if you can upload somthing either your after attention or you just want to knock folk like i say before appreciate the work the modders and skinners do without them our game would become stale give usfull comments not just its ugly and before you ask i can skin etc but i also am not proficient enough to do some mods that why i give thanks to the folk who help us so upload a skin lets see your work
Hey Rallisport, if you can do it better then show us……..Otherwise shut your dumbass mouth and if you don’t like it, then don’t download it…..It is that simple…..These people put time and effort into making skins and other mods for others to enjoy. They take constructive comments kindly, and they normally respect those comments…..They do not normally take kindly to braindead morons like you giving out dumbass comments like you just did…..And BTW I can skin trucks too like ianwigan but I am not yet good enough to share my work, so I give thanks to those who can and I appreciate them for it. You might want to appreciate them too instead of putting them down.
Keep Trucking folks
Trucker Richy
Like trucker richy says constructive comments are always welcome ive done skins on here and folk say to me youve not got the colour just right or a name on truck in wrong font etc i accept it thats what makes me want to improve as i want to ger better as i enjoy it. I can maybe spend a day getting a ski. Right or a few days or just 30 mins but i put effort into it and accept good and bad comments happy trucking
And we make no money from it so we dont have to share skins or mods but we do as we know folk enjoy them and appreciate them
Well said ianwigan. Maybe me and you can work together on a few skins. My e-mail is [email protected] Let me know
Trucker Richy
Can do richy although at moment not much time with hospital appointments and family but can try [email protected]
I think this skin would match with a Kenworth… most likely the Kenworth 900W… since the front bumber is for a Kenworth, not a Peterbilt
I would love to see these adapted to the Kenworth Long.
Its a great truck but it begs for more that just a solid color.
Just my thoughts, which if you put them along side a 5-spot it would get you a burger at Burger King.
can someone make the peterbilt 389 so that he can be played on a slow computer