Real Ai Emergency Pack v 2.0 by Cip

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SCS emergency vehicles with beacon and personalized siren sounds by countries
changelog v2.0:
-replaced ATS ambulance with existent ETS2 Crafter for missing countries
-added additional set of emergency with beacon only (courtesy from Piva)
-reworked spawn system, all additional emergency vehicles act as variants to the default emergency vehicles (load order has become very strict on this update)
-removed romanian police mcv
-added short police siren as horn sound
-new siren police sounds for turkey and reworked/replaced some existent sirens
thank you Piva and Todor Alin for their contribution to this mod

Cipinho, Todor Alin, Piva, SCS


11 thoughts on “Real Ai Emergency Pack v 2.0 by Cip

  1. Jouh … und die bleiben dann auch wieder mit Blaulicht und Martinshorn aktiv an der Ampel stehen. Toller Effekt;)
    Nein danke, hatten wir schonmal!

    1. TheGreenlightTrucker

      Ja, die Idee & der Sound ist nicht übel, aber wenn die dann an der Ampel stehen bleiben, hat es wenig Sinn. Auch wenn ich weiß, dass es anders nicht.

      1. TheGreenlightTrucker

        Read my last words & calm down 😉

    2. sorry guys this is the game limitation, can’t make the Ai emergency braking game’s rules, so take it or leave it 😉

  2. PolishDriverTruck

    Video test 1.36…

  3. RayFiftyOne

    Leave it!!

  4. Kevin Jessop

    can any one help the file is sil i have one already in my mods folder if i put this file into the mod folder it will over write the one i have in there is there a way round this please

    1. remove the old version and keep only this with higher priority than other sound packs!

  5. Gracias x este mod pero estoy buscando para la v1.34.x habra para la version que necesito para no seguir buscandola y esta version es la unica que me es compatible con software del teclado Racer BlackWidow Chroma…

  6. Octavian101

    Please update this amazing mod to 1.37 🙂

  7. Podras actualizarlo a este mod para la version 1.40.x y 1.41.x gracias…

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