Realistic Brutal Weather V4.2.1 – Released – Compatible With ETS 1.36.x
BEWARE of re-uploads by other people without permission do not support/download from these people links, always check if the uploader is: Kass
Features In Realistic Brutal Weather V4.2.1 Version:
* Enhanced Weather And Graphics
* Compatible To Work With ETS Game Version 1.36.x
* Compatible To Work With Majority Of Maps
* High Resolution Sky Textures
* Realistic Thunder Sounds.
* Realistic Thunder Sounds Inside Cabin & Outside Cabin Of The Truck.
* Realistic Rain Drops And Windshield Effects.
* Realistic Rain
* Realistic Rain Effects
* Realistic Rain Sounds
* Realistic Rain Intensity (Light Rain To Heavy Rain)
* Realistic Fog Intensity (Mist To Heavy Fog)
* Realistic Water (E.g: Sea & Rivers, Lakes, Beach etc)
* Rain Particles/Spray Wheels (Truck & AI Traffic)
* Several Different Types Of Weather
* Several Types Of Sunset
* Several Types Of Nights
* Several Types Of Evenings
* Several Types Of Dawn
* Environment And AI Lights
* Realistic Cloud Shadows
Realistic Brutal Weather V4.2.1 News / Updates:
* Fixed the Dim ligth inside the truck/Cabin
* Several tweaks in the weather in general
* Several Tweaks in the Sky boxes Day & Night
* Corrected some skyboxes
Important: Do not use with any other Weather and Graphics or similar mods.
Please Do not Re-upload in any other hosting site/s keep the original download links.
IMPORTANT: Put This Realistic Brutal Weather mod In your Mods Folder and activate it In High Priority (Top).
SCS Mod Forum Updates & News etc:
Thanks Kass !!
need some work, the moon is “ovalish” and i got in a desert sand storm or a red mist (dont know what it is) driving in the middle of France. Very nice graphics, very nice sunrise…
btw you can not see any artficial lights until you are too close, i cant see the traffic lights until almost hit them :S. i LOVE the heavy rain 🙂
Mam pytanie czy w nastepnych aktualizacj bedzie zrobiony wiatr bo niema w trakcie deszczu z burzami