Realistic Iveco Hi Way Sound

Realistic-Iveco Hi-Way-Sound

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Realistic Iveco Hi Way Sound for 1.15 version

Author: Slash

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9 thoughts on “Realistic Iveco Hi Way Sound

  1. Whoever uploaded my mod forgot the credits:

    thanks for great help and testing: Leen
    tires sound by ludmillapower

    1. It sounded pretty good until you hit hte brakes. What is that grinding sound? Awful! Once had a DAF XF sound like that by Kreichbaum. Couldn’t use it because of that awful sound.

      1. That grinding noise u hear is called a retarder. The retarder helps trucks and busses to brake quicker to reduce the brakes from overheating.

        There u go uve learned something new if u want to know more info about it just type brake retarder in Google

  2. I think you did a great job on the mod…as i am very picky person on what i like and a good judge of a good mod..Congrats!!! 🙂

  3. simoschmitz

    C’è da lavorarci su…Al minimo i cursor non hanno quel rumore stessa cosa agli alti, gli sfiati d’aria già sono accettabili Ciao 🙂

  4. Please Slash, the navigation on the right side it’s a mod, or you got your adjustment? I really like …

  5. scaniar440

    how to put another claxon in it:?

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