Residenc in Wroclaw. Here you can park your trucks,cars,buses and etc. Very good looking. Find in Wroclaw. Here looks like a logistic. Tested on 1.15 version, but works on older versions. I have more photos, but I add only most important, just try this mod and you will be happy, because its like a sweet home mod, but its more logistic and etc.
Murato, Juzsek, Rakim
Does this work with TSM please
could you be more specific and put the exsat place where is the place? or is it just the usal #### mod ??????????????
Wroclaw is not that big in the game. Find it yourself, or are you just the usual #### brain?
hmmm wroclaw….for me its enough info 😉
specific (and exact) looool 😉 info would be if this runs on promods v 1.81 for ets2 1.14…
great mod looks good – thanks for sharing it with us
thanks in advance for reply
greets from austria
pleas can u make it work with tsm map
Crashes near truck dealer in Wroclaw:
” [model] Unknown look name ‘look1’ on model ‘/prefab/truck_dealer_small/truck_dealer_small_02.pmd'”
So, it’s not really for 1.15 as it’s not built for the new truck dealers.
Also, you only need to include the map sectors you have actually changed (ie Wroclaw) not the whole map and your map autosaves etc.
Great mod, just needs to be done properly (ie error/crash free and only include the files that are actually needed).
Yep, update your map to use new small truck dealer prefab or build it in a sector that doesn’t have any!
W jakim to jest miejsu na mapie?
Cool mod but unfortunately, he crashes in Bratysłavie next mod defective when you add it to the profile in the city mentees eheheh a shame because zabowiada cool that fashion is suspended jesszcze the wheel of the Mercedes showroom hangs then crashes with the message that the euro truck simulator 2 stops working I hope that it will be fixed in the next patch shame because I talk a cool mod