Romania Map v 0.3a (Alpha) by Andu Team

Romania Map

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=== Romania Map by Andu Team ===

Version: 0.3a (Alpha)

Requirements: 1.18 version of game and DLC Going East .

===Information about map===

Careful: We released this version before when we have proposed because team leader (Andu) has some problems with the Internet in the coming weeks and few details are missing and some signs.

The map is in alpha stage and come updates with new roads and new cities.

Here’s the current list of cities and roads that are on the map or in construction.

===Modification in 0.3a===
– New cities and roads
– New company in Oradea
– Many bugs resolved from last version

===Know Bugs in 0.3a===
– Lack of terrain and lack details in some areas
– The problem with starting the game in Oradea
– Lack the few signs

Authors: Andu Team, Tz express(FLD for prefab models), Frank007(Several Models), BlueTruck(Several Models)

DOWNLOAD 200 MB [Part 1]
DOWNLOAD 200 MB [Part 2]
DOWNLOAD 155 MB [Part 3]

32 thoughts on “Romania Map v 0.3a (Alpha) by Andu Team

  1. We launched a “Hot-Fix” that solves the problem with contour and positioning cities and roads, must add the new file in addition to the existing version 0.3A.

    Hot-fix :

    1. Andule ce grafica curata ai,ce placa video folosesti?sau ce setari?e super!!!!

  2. scania_dragon

    Is this map compatible to other maps (like “MHA Pro” or “Promods” ?

  3. Eighty-VI

    Is this map compatible to RussMap + Russian Open Spaces ????

  4. AlexCrazy

    not compatible with promods, compatible with MHA+rusmap

  5. Esse mapa ficaria muito bom se fosse compativel e complemento de outros mapas , pois assim iria engrandecer cada vez mais o jogo , deixando o jogo muito mais atraente , sem ter que mudar de perfil ou de maps , espero que que o editor possa deixa – lo como complemento de moutros maps numa proxima atualização , obrigado .

    1. TodoMundoLocko

      boa! xD

  6. Eighty-VI

    Is this map not compatible to RussMap + Russian Open Spaces.

  7. is this map compatible mit TSM map??

    1. I dont know , i not tested .

      1. Hello, Andu,

        I have:
        – RusMap 1.4.9
        – TSM 6.

        Game stops loading at 80%, not Crash, but I have to stop the Game
        without Reaction via Taskmanager.
        So I think, that should be not compatible with TSM 6.0 yet.

        1. I forgot this Maps/DLC:
          – Going East
          – DLC Scandinavia

  8. merge cu ProMods v1.95?

    1. Nu , deoarece promods lucreaza la o alta harta a Romaniei .

      1. erro de downloads , por favor colocar em outro servidor.obrigado

      2. nu merge pe versiunea beta dc?

  9. Mie nu imi merge, ma da afara din joc dupa ce activez tot ce esete de activat daca cineva ma poate ajuta il multumesc.

  10. TodoMundoLocko

    Make it compatible with other mod map: TSM, PROMODS, RusMAP, Russian Open Spaces, etc,etc…

  11. The game is crashing!

  12. Turboiron

    To me works with MHA+rusmap , but the map of Europe then not the real. This is not good and it was removed this mod.

  13. Frumoasa harta , drumurile sunt 100% ca in realitate , doar ca sunt mai scurte , e compatibila cu harta ungariei ? tine-o tot asa salut!

  14. De ce naiba ai facut 3 arhive pentru un singur mod ? e inutil plus ca pana se descarca te ia naiba in fata calculatorului , mai bine il incarcai pe mega si era ok tot , multumum ptr ceva inutil :|…

  15. Dany Daniel

    Mie nu-mi merge , zice ca arhivele sunt corupte , le-am redescarcat pe toate 3 dar tot degeaba …

  16. por favor , colocara em outro servidor ja tentei baixar varias vezes e da erro , só a parte 1 vem em scs , as outras não , como faço para ativa-los , erro na descompactação , obrigado

  17. nu merg link-urile pentru download

  18. Cind incerc sa dezarhivez arhiva da o eroare cum ca ar fi corupt , nu merge 🙁 …

  19. aceiasi problema de ce da eroare … am descarcato de 4 ori pana acu…. :(..:(

  20. Works with TSM map?

  21. Off….nu merge sa dezarhivez a doua si a treia arhiva…ca prima merge.

  22. nu merge sa dezarhivezi,sau cum se introduce aceasta mapa?..

  23. AlexRoGaming154

    Pot sa joc pe mapa aceasta fara sa am DLC-ul Going East?

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