Scania 111

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– 3 chassis options
– 7 engine options
– 5 transmission options
– 3 interior options
– Various options of external and internal accessories

Tested in version 1.36.x



4 thoughts on “Scania 111

  1. Und diese Mod ist auch totaler Schrott
    da auch eine uhr alte mod ACHTUNG kaputte Speicherstände GARATIERT Zumal ist das eine gestohlene PAY mod von JB ARTsAn den Admin schöne Grüße FAKE MODS NEIN DANKE

    1. Buddy, did you even check your claim? I compared both trucks, this one and the one from JB ART. (And yes also inside the mod) Both mods have different structures, different files,… and ingame are very different.
      Instead of throwing bold claims at the author, why don’t you check yourself? Throwing false claims left and right, while you don’t know jack sh*t. Bit sellfish, innit lad?
      And btw as far as i know, the mods from jb arts are NOT paymods. Go ahead google JB ARTS

  2. AfzallPixell

    Test Video 1.36…….

  3. Hola como estan? para la version 1.37 no anda?

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