Scania Combo Pack (Brown)


Brown Skin for Scania Truck and Chereau Trailer

Author: fayee


14 thoughts on “Scania Combo Pack (Brown)

  1. wagehalsig

    Scania Basık Şasi Link…

  2. Hey, could you please tell me where did you get that lights near the ground at the front of the truck?

    1. do you mean the bottom grill?

      1. No, the bottom grill is from Scania Multimod. I mean the lights at the bottom of every corner of the front truck…

        1. no , the bottom grill is not from scania multimod

          scania multimod bottom grill is like this

          my scania i group 3 scania mod , group from 3 pro modders in my mind

          1. I see, so could you please tell me where can I get group 3 scania mod? Link to download perhaps?

          2. um…give me some times to edit
            i will post here if you want

  3. Riyaz Shaikh

    Thx. please can u make for Renault magnum ? plz

    1. i never make renault , need try 🙂

  4. Yes fayee, I would love to have that mod, so if you can – please post it in here. Thank you for being such pollite! I will wait then 🙂

    1. posted , wait admin to post it

      1. Thank you very much 🙂 BTW could you please make the same combo skin for Scania, but in dark red? 🙂

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