Scania New L6 sound version 7.2


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Hi all,

This is my latest sound for the in line 6 engines on the Scania’s.
Almost everything is new on this L6.
On the Scania’s the L6 engines start from 360hp and finish at 490hp in the game.
The V8 sound is still the same as previous version (7.1).
This sound mod work with Scania R, Streamline, T, and reworked 50Keda R2008 version 2.2 by Matdom.

Kriechbaum, MattStreamline


Video 1:

Video 2:

16 thoughts on “Scania New L6 sound version 7.2

  1. Trucker Melli

    ich verstehe das nicht was ihr macht, es gab mal einen soundpack wo alles drinn war in clusive ankoppeln und reifen sound und ein guter scania sound! aber das, was ihr hier bringt ist definitiv nicht mal annähernd scania!! ihr habt doch soundmodding drauf und ich hoffe das ihr einestages mal einen scania v8 original hinbekommt in einem soundpack mit offener def ! happy new year!

  2. Great job!

  3. WHOA! I’ve been waiting for a really good sound for the L6 and there it is!
    Thanks Matt and Kriechbaum, you’re the best!!!

    You both should make new sounds for mercedes and MAN!

    Happy new year from Brazil!

  4. Okay, this time Iam not so impressed .. since I compare it with this..

    May it helps? Happy new year you all 🙂
    It’s not more far away.

    1. kriechbaum

      Hello all,

      Maddison and Trucker Melli you all are wrong, why? Because the sound i made is a L6 engine, and NOT a V8… Do not mix up everything. To have an idea just watch and listen the video i have given to TruckerMelli.

      Thanks. See you 🙂

  5. Aleksi Salonen

    so there is no matter what scania t mod reworked v2.4 by henki , by RJL/fordsonmies

    I use reworked by henki v 2.4

  6. Veeeeeeery good.!!!6 pistons not 8!!!

  7. kriechbaum

    Aleski, the sound works fine with my T 1.5.1.

    Also it should work with the Henki reworked version for 1.14 patch (not the for the old 2.4 version).

    And Volidas, THANKS !!! You know a lot about Scania’s trucks :))

  8. Kriechbaum, can you make sound for MB actros please ? 🙂

  9. tyrannix2342

    as always, perfect sound mod from Kriechbaum 🙂

  10. Nice sound! But one thing bothers me. Start sound sounds more like volvo start than scania start, so i’m suspectin that the original start sound is recordet from volvo truck. Is that true? But still very nice sound 🙂 (sorry for my english)

    1. kriechbaum

      No, 100% scania start sound.

  11. its very nise sound of l6, but when i press “U” game grash

  12. ScaniaV8Vabis

    wow thats increddible how close you got those sounds. its definently by far the best replica of the scania motor´s unique open pipe sounds made. Very nicely done!

  13. Works fine on 1.16.2. Superb sound tho.

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