Scania Next Gen Mirror Full Paint

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Tested 1.30 Béta

SCS Software


7 thoughts on “Scania Next Gen Mirror Full Paint

  1. david raffetin

    moi je l es voulait blanc alors que mon skin est rouge foncé, mais eme en peignant les templates, ca es meme de la meme couleur que le skin, alor qu’avec le skin les retro son blanc….. comment faire?? et ta template elle se met ou ?

    1. Tu sais que le nouveau Systeme est “un peu” compliquer.
      On travail plus avec une seule Template, il faut faire Piece a Piece et editer avec un Editeur pour tobj.

  2. Mak-Kyver

    Hi, wonderful mirrors but there is pain problem, skins (pictures) come also to mirror..

  3. Thanks Matdom1988, you’re customizing everything Scania is great
    But the mirrors would be very good at the led lights
    it is not a request.

  4. @-zoso

    Eugene is working on the new Scania to make him as that one from RjL.
    So I think we have to wait the final Version of 1.30

    But I like Mat´s Mods and I´ve got ALL.

    1. Thank you JoachimK for the information
      Matdom1988 is a master
      but as usual, not everyone respects its name.

  5. Would be better if you make a version for paintable mirror without the truck skins appear on the mirror

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