Scania R700 New Exhaust Smoke

Scania R700 New Exhaust Smoke

Exhaust smoke for Scania R700 new
Mod adds skirts with exhaust.
After you install smoke continuously.
Tested version

In the archive there is a dds texture just in case if someone need less soot!
Replace in fashion archive ,in the folder : model /particle

Author: Анатолий7469, tasos978


8 thoughts on “Scania R700 New Exhaust Smoke

  1. For R730?

    1. Ramzes_IV

      for Scania R700 by AU44

  2. Mod for Scania r700 ?

  3. Great Mod, Thank’s.
    Could You make it for all Trucks?????

  4. Can you make this for all Scania Trucks please

  5. organiczero

    do anyone knows which version of this truck is compatible with the 1.17.x – 1.18.x version of the game, and where to download it?

    1. Here the Scania R700 Lux -works well on v.1.17.xx-
      v.1.18.xx of work but you can not change tires

  6. Alex Knoks

    Please Update Mercedes Benz MP4

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