Scania R999 Open Top

Scania-R-999-Open-Top-1 Scania-R-999-Open-Top-2

Scania R999 Open Top Truck with additional lighting

Authors: FurkanSevke, Cebinetstar


8 thoughts on “Scania R999 Open Top

  1. get wet when it rains lol

  2. Nice idea, but it needs some more work :p

  3. apferreira truckman

    ???????????????????????????? ……

  4. What kind of #### is that!

  5. bullshit

  6. #### It can not replace parts

  7. You kids know nothing. This is swedish customking Svempas Scania T cab.

  8. This mod is cruel.

    You can choose to nothing, as each mouse click crashes the game. tuning therefore equal to zero, not even you can change the tire.

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