Scary Wolf


It works only with Scania by RJL. It looks nice on Topline cabin. Tested on 1.18.x



6 thoughts on “Scary Wolf

  1. what this mod are doing? what is looking nice on rjl ? the lights ?

    1. It is a skin for the Scania R and Streamline mod created by RJL.

      Will work flawlessly on that truck, not guaranteed it will work on ingame (SCS) or other creators Scania R/Streamline trucks

  2. can u give me a link to the chassis on the rjl scania


      This is Scania T (1 rar that needs to be extracted) and Scania RJL (1 rar that needs to be extracted) both newest versions,
      original link is down at the moment so i uploaded them both combined in 1 rar myself.

      Here is link to indicators working on Scania RJL:

      And here is extra options created by Shineslip as completement to Scania RJL :

      Just as reminder : if the game crashed turn of all mods except these the RJL truck, the Tuning mod (must be loaded after RJL mod, Indicators mod.
      Works with all maps, but older or other mods can concflict so make sure its not another mod causing crashes.

      This truck works 100% with the provided extra’s.

      Thx to the makers of those mods. 😉

      1. Thanks for help, Tasja ^_^

        1. you are very welcome.

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