This mod change the original soundtrack from ETS2, tested on v1.18.1.3s. Enjoy the song…
Do not reupload this mod. If you want reuload this mod, contact me on
Author: haerulanwar24
This mod change the original soundtrack from ETS2, tested on v1.18.1.3s. Enjoy the song…
Do not reupload this mod. If you want reuload this mod, contact me on
Author: haerulanwar24
link dont work
Link work perfectly.
yes now but before no
pour moi sa ne fonctione pas
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Link doesnt work.
I have enabled the mod in the game and the menu music is still the normal game music
Using this mod, drive truck, and back to menu.
Link doesnt work? Work normally
More any questions? Contact me on
For those who say the menu music doesn’t change, that is because you just booted into the game and your profile. To truly test if a music works, you need to load into your profile, then DRIVE and then pop BACK into the menu. The default ETS2 sound will always play when loading in from the profiles menu. It’s because mods do not load until you load your profile and on the initial load it already has the default loop playing.
I’ve been making menu sound mods for quite some time now, and it took me quite some frustration before finally surrendering to the fact that this is the way the loading of profiles works. There’s nothing the author can do about this.
1. Activate Mod
2. Load Profile
3. Click Drive and let your truck load
4. Hit “ESC” and new menu music should play then.
You can also edit the other musics easily with your favorite music – use this mod as a template so you can do so. Just make sure whatever files you use are .ogg at 48000 rate.
To the author – thanks for the mod 🙂 I love that entire movie series XD