Tutorial SCS Blender Tools #1 | Instalation


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https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = SyTojCeyMVI

7 thoughts on “Tutorial SCS Blender Tools #1 | Instalation

  1. Aaron Scarlata

    If some one, need some shadow/collision/texture Tutorial, contact me on Facebook 😉

    1. меня нет на Facebook по другому можно свезаться?

    2. Dylan Colino

      What is your name in Facebook?

  2. Где видео?

  3. Faelandaea

    Oh please keep them coming. This is the first tutorial I have seen at all for the new Blender Tools (all other tutorials are for Blender2SCS which is being phased out and no longer used).

  4. 太棒了,可惜这里看不了YouTubeaiO(≧口≦)O

  5. Aaron Scarlata

    The author of tutorial isn’t me.I have only disponible for people help, if someone want some tutorial on Blender 2 SCS. I’m not expert, but, i know how to mod, i nkow ho to make Collison/texture/shadow etc. If some one are interested contact me on facebook.

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