Ultimate Physics v7.0


Tested with 1.9.22 game version.

Martinez (Borsuk)


20 thoughts on “Ultimate Physics v7.0

  1. video???

  2. include mod zzzzzNO_DAMAGE or make 2. version where is no damage included.

  3. renaulthater

    any physics mod for 1.9 are useless. SCS screwed up the physisics themselves. Hope in the next patch 1.10 they will imporve the physics and make them like in

    1. this is good mod i use and works fine

  4. @renaulthater

    It cannot be said that it is useless. It only has limited functionality. Patch 1.10 will bring only some minor changes. I would not count on impressive changes. It is useless to grumble. I prefer taking chances.

  5. Not rocking the need to test.
    Step on the brake in the road bend at 100km/h.
    If you have flown away, start over again your work.

  6. work fine in ETS2 v1.9.24.1s

  7. mercure007

    Last version is better for me.(v.6.0)

  8. How about ?

  9. @Paolo
    It works in versions above 1.9.22.

    1. ok thx at all and i hope u can made other one for

  10. graphic mod?

  11. Realistic Lighting ;-).

  12. + Larger rain spray

    1. thanks Martinez 😮

  13. marnadyńka

    i wan’t to know on which map this photo was do ?

  14. This “map” has been made only for this picture.

  15. it seems that u r right renaulthater:

    on v1.10.12s …

    Old physics_data loaded. Several parameters have been scaled to 1 to maintain compatibility and renamed. The old names are ignored now.

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