ZF Wandler and Manual Transmissions by adi2003de v 4.0

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the Transmissions are available for all SCS trucks ( Included the new Scania R&S) , Scania RS by RJL, MAN TGX Euro6 by Madster …

New adjust the clutch and the gearpoints..
Also added a new 18 Gear converter Transmission

The video is a old one. But it is enough to see how a converter Transmission works in the automatic gearing.




8 thoughts on “ZF Wandler and Manual Transmissions by adi2003de v 4.0

  1. Sotka_GER

    Need some new brake discs? πŸ˜‰
    I use this mod since version 1 and it works fine for me!
    Thanks a lot, great job again!
    I installed a Eaton Fuller shifting layout for ETS2 too, works easier for me…

    1. The Jammer

      The problem is not at the brakes, but the caution of the driver πŸ˜‰
      Awesome mod @adi2003de, thanks!

      1. adi2003de

        Saaaayyyy WHHAAAAAAAAAT ? …. The Caution of the Driver … i do all and bring my life in bad situations .. only for you guys πŸ˜€ …. Respect This πŸ˜€

        Thank you for your review The Jammer πŸ™‚

        1. The Jammer

          Haha just kidding mate, keep up the great work πŸ˜€

          1. adi2003de

            all good . i kidding you right back .. i drive allways like a devil .. πŸ˜€ no way xD

  2. adi2003de

    so if you use the converter Transmissions in automatic you donΒ΄t need anything .. the automatic will think and work for you … test it yourself Mate πŸ™‚

  3. the 10 + 2 gearbox is causing the truck to understeer

    1. adi2003de

      a Gearbox is changing your truck Physics ?
      LOL !

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