Adaptive Increased Traffic Mod [ AITM © v1.1 ]


Adaptive Increased Traffic Mod [AITM © v1.1]

Only compactible with v1.9.0 or greater [even v1.9.8 released today]

This is the second mod of Adaptive Increased Traffic Mod [ Name
changed to IATM because There is a mod named Incredead Traffic Density
uploaded by other user ]
Version v1.0 link

Changelog v1.1 –

Changed name from Increased Traffic Density to AITM © [ Adaptive
Increased Traffic Mod ] ,
Fixed some traffic conjestion in Expressway’s Intersection , and
Increasing and Decreasing Traffic is choosen Randomly.

I have created this mod which would increase the traffic adaptively in
game and hence enchance your gaming experience.This have been tested
with v1.9 to V1.9.8 and works.
You could upload it to other sites or edit it only after contacting
with me through email id [email protected] but please dont forget
to give a credit in my name as well.

Extract and Put the scs file into the mod folder in the Euro Truck
Simulator 2 located in My Documents, [ i.e Documents\Euro Truck
Simulator 2\mod ].



26 thoughts on “Adaptive Increased Traffic Mod [ AITM © v1.1 ]

  1. ClassicDutchTrucker

    Looks good!
    I did a new video about your update.

    Enjoy! =D

    1. Murshid4Gaming

      Thanks ClassicDutch Trucker again, you would have seen greater traffic in cities as compared to the highways..

      Great Video upload, once again thanks…

      1. ClassicDutchTrucker

        Thanks for telling me about the city, i kinda forgot showing it 😛

        Anyway, got another video up showing a city. You can clearly see a difference, indeed.

        (It’s still processing, it will be viewable in a few moments)

  2. Thanks! Nice video !

    1. Murshid4Gaming

      Welcome wegger, Video made by Dutch Trucker requires great appreciation..

  3. Adaptive Increased Traffic Mod [ AITM © v1.1 ]

    Greetings fellow truck drivers of ets2 community today i use this mod developed and built by the ingenious mr murshid and i was suprised at how very much this mod is as it brings a whole new dimension to the sumulator and brings a better exerience making the game more life like with the increase of traffic at different times i am pleased to say on a scale of one to ten i give this mod top marks and would like to wish mr murshid all the best for his future developements in our game three cheers for our dear friend mr murshid may all who drive on this sim have a happy and safe and pleasent experience greetings from uk

    1. Murshid4Gaming

      Thanks my dear friend, for your compliments and Wishing you have a great time playing ets2..

  4. renaulthater

    Fantastic mod thanks for sharing. It really feels different.

    1. Murshid4Gaming

      welcome renault hater, and thanks for liking both of my mods..Hope you enjoy it throughout…

  5. i just cant get over how awsome this mod is i can openly say fantastic i can shout from highest mountain thank you again mr murshid one slight problem aint no mountain here

    1. Murshid4Gaming

      Welcome Ianwigan, you could report any bugs here in this website or email me at the id given in the description..

  6. scaniatrucker73

    I get an error message in my game log:

    Mounting extra package: C:/Users/*******/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Adaptive Increased Traffic Mod [ AITM © v1.1 ] – Murshid4Gaming.scs
    00:00:44.925 : [zipfs] Cannot find the zip_central_dir_end signature in ‘C:/Users/*******/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Adaptive Increased Traffic Mod [ AITM © v1.1 ] – Murshid4Gaming.scs’.
    00:00:44.925 : Mount failed: C:/Users/*******/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Adaptive Increased Traffic Mod [ AITM © v1.1 ] – Murshid4Gaming.scs

    1. Murshid4Gaming

      Dear scaniatrucker, this problem persists due to the extracting error, make sure you have extracted the whole scs file..
      Anyway i will upload v1.2 and i’m working on it..Anyway i will remove it , if it is found as a bug..

  7. mm i no idea scania wished i can help but sure mr murshid will sort problem out he clever guy greeting englad

    1. Murshid4Gaming

      I have replied to that question, Anyway i will upload the third version ,i.e v1.2 soon, and will remove the bugs which i come across while playing..

  8. How long before NONE steam users get this

    1. Murshid4Gaming

      Dear anthony, please follow ianwigan to help you get v1.9.x, if you want more help i would get you a pdf which shows how to do it step by step upon your request, if you need it, please say it, i am ready to help

    2. Murshid4Gaming

      Dear anthony, please follow ianwigan., if you want more help i would get you a pdf which shows how to do it step by step upon your request, if you need it, please say it, i am ready to help..

  9. it says some where on the other traffic mod by mr murshid that you can activate your bought version on steam with a legal key that you got with your game then you can join the open beta of 1.9 hope that helps anthony

  10. quote mr murshid from the getnlemans other thread

    Go to steam community website, and then download steam app which is less than a mb.After downloading it add the game using serial key ,there is an option in it.. Enter the serial code, if that code is legal it will show a certificate and start downloading..wait for a while and start playing…

    1. Murshid4Gaming

      Your helping mind deserves a great applause..May God Bless You Ianwigan…

  11. Murshid4Gaming

    That’s a great video, Thanks for both of them..
    Well to make it more realistic, more traffic would be there in city roads and two way country roads..

  12. Thank you from england mr murshid wish you well with developements

  13. volvo4life

    Does it work with 1.9.10?

    1. Murshid4Gaming

      Yes it would work in 1.9.10. I am creating the v1.2 of this mod and would be uploaded soon…

      1. volvo4life

        OK thank you and good luck with your mod!

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