Brasil Map EAA V1.6


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For the game Euro Truck Simulator 2 version 1.15.X ( 32bit ).

This mod adds the Brazilian map to the original ETS2 map.

Major changes from the previous version of the mod:
– Fixed some little mistakes scenario over the map;
– Adding four new cities – São José dos Campos, Taubaté, Aparecida and Guaratinguetá;

PASSWORD: eaaisthebest

Roberto Restanho, jhonatan Siebel, Luiz Ferreira, tonho Nunes, Filipe Sampaio



15 thoughts on “Brasil Map EAA V1.6

  1. Hi there is a problem with the password it wont open file pleae sort this out thanks

  2. To me password work fine …

  3. nope tried again and still not working

  4. Where is the map of roads, it does not display on the world map tab. Please help…….WHERE IS BRAZIL ON ETS2!!!!!!!!

    1. Move to left in map.

  5. ExperimentalTrucker

    Hello. Here’s a collection of runs done in the map to gave an idea of map game play.

    Somethings that I’ve noticed, If you play this map in the 64bit of ETS2, you will get a crash to desktop trying to enter the city of Prudentopolis.

    Also it is possible that if you are using a tollbooth/tollgate mod, it might cause the green tollgate trigger icons to disappear at some or maybe all the tollbooths in the map.

    Calais(F) to Taubate 246km run

    San Gabriel to Laranjeiras do Sul 1414km run
    (one crash to desktop, wasn’t a map problem)

    Calais(F) to Lages 476km run

    Lages to Registro 507km run

    San Gabriel to Guaratingueta 1460km run

  6. please make work with tsm and russia map please

    using but get

    00:06:48.503 : [model] Unknown look name ‘brasil’ on model ‘/model/mover/flag_countries.pmd’
    00:07:31.728 : Model in old format detected ‘/vehicle/wheel/385-65r225/wheel.pmg’, please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:10:58.561 : [model] Unknown variant name ‘xmas_night’ on model ‘/vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd’
    00:11:11.168 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor ‘/prefab/eaa/pedagio/tollgate_br4.ppd’ version 20 to current version (21)
    00:11:54.438 : Model in old format detected ‘/vehicle/wheel/385-65r225/wheel.pmg’, please upgrade format to improve load performance!
    00:12:33.779 : [model] Unknown look name ‘brasil’ on model ‘/model/mover/flag_countries.pmd’
    00:13:32.459 : [model] Unknown look name ‘br’ on model ‘/model/sign/gas/price.pmd’
    00:13:32.475 : [model] Unknown look name ‘br’ on model ‘/model/sign/gas/price.pmd’
    00:13:45.638 : [model] Unknown look name ‘br’ on model ‘/model/sign/gas/price.pmd’
    00:13:45.638 : Invalid look index requested for model ‘/model/sign/gas/price.pmd’, probably a missing look?

    and game crashing

  7. says there is a encrypted file after I entered the password?

  8. will this work with promods?

  9. Hi, this map works with ProMods 1.83 and rusmap 1.4.5, but there is one BIG PROBLEM with this map: several toll gates do not work , there is no green icons and can not be passed unless you drive at high speed behind another car.
    Fantastic map, but please fix this problem

  10. Female Trucker

    This mod makes my gear changes go funny on real automatic, instead of getting D1 through to D12, I get, 1R 1S 2R 2S upto 6R 6S??? It is compatible with Tsm Promods and Rus Map and Romania but I had to delete this mod because of the gear change not showing normal, please could you fix?

  11. I like this map, but I have a ctd wheb I take road 116 direction Rio ##### and game.log.txt give me the following errors :

    00:00:59.916 : Maximal water level count exceeded!
    00:02:07.668 : Maximal water level count exceeded!
    00:02:21.357 : [model] Unknown look name ‘br’ on model ‘/model/sign/gas/price.pmd’
    00:02:21.357 : [model] Unknown look name ‘br’ on model ‘/model/sign/gas/price.pmd’
    00:02:21.446 : [model] Unknown look name ‘br’ on model ‘/model/sign/gas/price.pmd’
    00:02:21.446 : Invalid look index requested for model ‘/model/sign/gas/price.pmd’, probably a missing look?
    00:02:21.446 : [model] Unknown look name ‘br’ on model ‘/model/sign/gas/price.pmd’
    00:02:21.446 : Invalid look index requested for model ‘/model/sign/gas/price.pmd’, probably a missing look?

    Please, make the necessary correction

  12. I tried this version and version 1.7 from authors website, had to remove both mods as they were unplayable. Toll booths dint work, had to free cam over them and every time I got within sight of a small truck dealer CTD. Will not play this map till these two major problems are fixed. Real shame as other than that I enjoyed the map

  13. Great Map, but game crash at Cascavel when going past DAF dealer

  14. Re: Chis45 (January 8, at 02:13) – same for me but I found taking the road which runs behind the dealer allows you to overcome this glitch. Hopefully, the bug will be fixed in a future release.

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