Pack adds in traffic 40 new models of buses with 1158 skins (Setra, Neoplan, Volvo, Man, Mercedes-Benz, Ikarus, Scania, Ayats, Irizar, Temsa, Irisbus, Jelcz, Karosa, Caetano, Optare).
All standalone, works on any maps.
Compatible with all my packs.
Tested on version 1.36.x
Version 9.0 – added 12 new skins of German, Dutch and Turkish real bus operators.
DOWNLOAD 310 MB [mirror]
Hello Jazzycat, I got a crash to desktop, it was one of your mods. It could be a bus because I searched for the type TOURISMO and it looks like it’s a bus (MERCEDES-BENZ TOURISMO, so maybe it’s the latest 9.0 bus mod. This is my log;
00:26:38.245 : [fs] Failed to open file ‘/def/vehicle/truck/jazzycat/mb_tourismo/chassis2.sii’ in the read_only mode.
00:26:38.261 : [fs] Failed to open file ‘/def/vehicle/truck/jazzycat/mb_tourismo/chassis2.sii’ in the read_only mode.
00:26:38.261 : load_unit() – Failed to open file (/def/vehicle/truck/jazzycat/mb_tourismo/chassis2.sii)
I hope you read this and can find the problem. Anyway thanks for your awesome mods!
I have been using this bus mod for 9 hours straight and no crashes here 🙂
Hello jazzycat yeah have to agree with michiel
I also have crash to desktop not just on this but also
On v8.9 I had to go back to v8.8 with no problems it is the same error as michiel’s hope you can fix thanks.
Same crash dear Jazzycat, please fix. Thank you very much!
I have the same problem. Version 8.8 works perfectly!