MAN TGX Dashboard (Black)


Fully reworked dashboard with black back color

– Trip dispance under tahometer
– Odometer under speedometer
– Oil pessure bar
– Water temperature bar
– Turbine pressure
– Current speed

On shared diplay also added:
– Weather temperature
– Clock
– Cruise control speed

Version 1.20 and 1.21

Keep download link

Author: piva


6 thoughts on “MAN TGX Dashboard (Black)

  1. Thanks for sharing.You are doing a great job with this dashboards.

  2. absolutely love your dashboards, I’ve downloaded every one so far. may I make a small request, could you please do more colours? I would like them with a red background as all my trucks are red and white. fantastic work though

  3. Dashboard DAF E6 +interior posted yesterday, deleted ?

    1. That was not my mod. Deleted

  4. ich habe mal eine frage die km zähler kan man das bischen grösser einstellen bzw noch besser erkentlicher machen

    1. nothing understand in google translate 🙂

      what I understand that you want bigger fonts.
      Now it in porgress, I work on dashboard composition.

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