Oversizeload Transport Trailer


Add the game Oversizeload Trailer tested version: 1.3.1
Author: Benben
Uploader: Letsqond


38 thoughts on “Oversizeload Transport Trailer

  1. Bart van Ham

    Let me fill in the missing info. File is locked (you #######) and I don;t see any cargo files. So I assume it replaces one of the default overweight trailers

  2. Bart van Ham

    Correction; it replaces ALL default heavy trailers. No new game needed. Quite a nice mod!

  3. Replaces cargo Trailer; Digger, Forklifts, Tractors, Excavator, Digger1000 and Diggers.

  4. Hate locked files

    Thank you Bart van Ham , I will download it and try it too …
    Next time somebody post a file please give some info because not everybody is nice like Bart van Ham is and it will take only 2 minutes of your life !!!!!!!!

  5. Bart van Ham

    Update haha

    Toll booths are impossible to pass with these trailers. So avoid them! 😉

    1. You can go thru toll booths with long oversized loads just drop ur trailer back a ways, pay for toll and go back attach and floor it.

  6. go to no Toll booths road 😀

    1. 😀

  7. Mod-Loller

    we need that standallone and unlocked.
    replacermods sucks…

  8. This mods still has a few bugs. Therefore it’s a good thing. You don’t have to start a new game, just to find out that it does not work perfectly, and then start again without the mod. Now it’s just install, test and throw away.

    I’ll keep it though. Even if it’s a little buggy, it won’t crash your game and it’s nice to have a little challenge once in a while.

  9. Its a nice mod but it has no “colisionsbox”.
    I Like it 😉

    1. Exactly, the middle part has no collision,only the rear.
      That’s why cars try do drive through the trailer and then get stuck in the rear end of the trailer.

        1. Comment in the movie:’close enough’… LOL 😀 Nice trailer though!

  10. Wow super trailer mod !! 😀

  11. it doesnt work for me

  12. Hi, this is a good mod. Can you make the collision box in the middle section of purely

    1. I cant get the scs file into my mod folder, how do you guys do it?

  13. This trailer is simply too long for this game. It takes cars, signs, trucks and anything in it way even sticks on guardrails so you really get tired of it quickly. only place it works ok is freeway if you can get there. A WASTE OF HHD SPACE!

    1. It takes cars. That’s not your fault, but the fault of unresponsive AI traffic. The guardrails, signs and other stuff are your own responsibility. Plan your trip ahead and avoid routes with tight corners and narrow cloverleaf intersections.

  14. I can not find any Oversizeload Cargo in my game 🙁 Can someone help me ?

  15. SOLVED!

  16. I am having trouble using it as a mod, this is the first mod i have downloaded, how do i do it?

  17. Can someone help me please, first mod i have downloaded, and im all ready struggling, how do i do this

  18. this doesnt work with my 1.4

  19. helooo I want the pass of ovresize load plees

  20. how do you install this mod

  21. when i put it in thee mood folder and then loaded the game then i went to edit and enable mods and it wernt there?

  22. Keith Hecht

    Thanks, A very useful information .

  23. can you please do an update so it does not replace the default trailers as that is causing conflicts with another mod+ I like the defaults too 🙂 BTW: Does it work with 1.7?

    1. yes it works with 1.7.x

  24. dus not work in

  25. Hey is there a newer one for 1.17 ?

  26. Mod does not work! It just crashes the game during loading! Completely worthless!

  27. ChristianV

    Does it work on V1.22?

    1. GN10Gaming

      try it 😉

  28. Pingback: OVERSIZE LOAD! (Euro Truck Simulator 2) ETS2 | 2dudu

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