Scania RJL Leather Interior

You must have Scania R & Streamline Modifications V2.1
Tested on 1.26

Cb Scatenato, RJL


11 thoughts on “Scania RJL Leather Interior

  1. FuraFemDagarEtteSovit

    Awesome! 😀

    1. CbScatenato

      Thanks 😀

  2. I have genuine game 1.26, but it doesn’t work. Any syggestions?

    1. CbScatenato

      You must have rjl truck and put v8 interior

  3. It is possible to modify this mod to have it in 1.25 please ?? :/

  4. RacingFede

    Ciao! Davvero molto bella. Se ti va puoi provare ad estendere la pelle a tutto l’interno e i sedili. Sarebbe il top!

    1. CbScatenato

      Grazie ! Intendi di mettere il capitonné anche sui muri ?

      1. RacingFede

        Esatto. Sarebbe spettacolare.

  5. The Simulator Guy

    id like to add these mats to another interior i have is it possible and how do it do it?

  6. 1.28 ?

  7. PLS 1.43 :>

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