Straight 6 open pipe sound Megapack


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Hi all, here it is !

Final version of the new L6 engine sound for (almost) every trucks.
This pack gives you this sound for those trucks:
-Renault Premium / Magnum
-Volvo FH16 / 2012
-Scania R, T, Stramline, R2008 Mattdom
-Sisu by RJL

To have this sound on the Scania, just buy an engine under 490hps. (More strongers engines have a V8).

Soon, i ll make it for the iveco, and the Daf.
Take care about one thing : i had not the proper sound with the Scania R2008 by Mattdom, i had to delete the sound folder in the def files.



42 thoughts on “Straight 6 open pipe sound Megapack

  1. This sound is realy realistic!…Great work!

  2. kriechbaum

    Thanks !
    Also forgot to mention, but also works for the MAN.

    1. AlexanderK

      kriechbaum can you tell me a good open Pipe Daf sound mod i dont find a good one :p

  3. Very nice sound buddy! Danke!

  4. Alexandru Andrey

    I love your sound mod Kriechbaum , you are the best 😀

  5. Sportive17

    I have been waiting for this! Really great work Kriechbaum.

  6. вован84

    где такой модный прицеп fliegl можно скачать (самосвал зерновоз)серенький…можно ссылочку…он автомномный и если можно скажите что заменяет…или заменит…заранее большое спасибо…

    1. kriechbaum

      Sorry, this trailer (grain) is private.

      1. вован84

        жаль…а так судя по всему хорош.

  7. MirmoZibang

    Enfin .. ! Je l’attendais depuis tellement longtemps ! Merci Kriechbaum !
    Super mod

  8. Your sound modding skills should be illegal your too good xD…..Great sound Though

  9. My face when i heard the R. Magnum O_O
    My face when i heard the MAN 😯
    Your work is impressive .. really.
    Are u going to do the rest seriously?

  10. kriechbaum

    Thank you all !!!

  11. ####! that premium sound awesome! excellent work Kapitänleutnant Danquerque!

  12. mtrmarivaldotadeu

    you do not update for this sound:
    Scania 6 cylinders sound by Kriechbaum V2

  13. Is it compatible with you last l6 and v8?

  14. kriechbaum

    For scania, use the one in the pack (7.4) don’t need 7.3 anymore, it has the V8 too 😉

  15. Excellent tout ça, Bravo
    Thanks for the SISU sound
    Very good excepted the exhaust brake : awful (too high frequencies/rpm ?)
    (here the guy Tincho got a good jake brake sound in his t800 sound mod)

  16. Kriechbaum, can u do that it works for this Magnum Legend?

  17. Kriech it doesnt work for me. I have tried the 3 engines 520,577 and 615cv.
    Your Legend mod is for the Mat Edition 6.1 or for another?

  18. Hi, what is it and what mod Scania Renault mod is because if jemmand could help me currencies nice; )

  19. kriechbaum

    Muppet :
    it is magnum legends 6.1. If it doesn’t work, it is a game issue (i had it too), to solve this do that : with WINRAR, open the part one of the truck mod (the renault magnum), go to def/vehicle/truck/renault.magnum (or renault.legmat) and then you will have a “sound” folder, just delete this folder by pressing the “DEL” touch of your keyboard. Close the mod, be sure to have enabled my sound mod; and the sound will work properly 😉

    skejcikk : i use the Scania R2008 reworked by Mattdom. The Magnum in the vidéo is this one :

  20. Could you send me the link for the Scania R2008 reworked by Mattdom ? because I can not find the .

  21. Yes !!! it works ! thanks for the help and this superb MOD.
    The Legend with pipe sound →

  22. bravo ,un plaisir et d un réalisme pure .

  23. Bonjour Kriechbaum, c’est un son extra que tu à fait et je l’ai déjà pris pour mon magnum et mon man ! 😉
    Mais par contre, la Fliegl que tu à dérrière ton Magnum, est elle privé ou pas ? Car dans la vraie vie je roule et c’est ce que j’ai comme benne dérrière mon Daf donc j’aimerais bien refaire mon ensemble dans ets2 pour pouvoir roulé avec 🙂

    1. kriechbaum

      Salut Thomas, la benne je l’ai payée (cher même) je ne la partage pas.

  24. jean-pierre

    wo gibt es den kipper und der sound is der hammer!!!

  25. D’accord je te comprend, merci quand même

  26. kriechbaum

    Hi all !

    Here’s the link for the Daf & Iveco series :

    See you 🙂

    1. amazing!!! dude 1 question: how can i put this sound on the scania 4 by satan19990?

      1. kriechbaum

        i will do it 😉

  27. WobblyCaptain

    Sounds pretty good

  28. Thank you so much kriechbaum !

    1. For me the sound mod on the Scania 4 series by Satan doesn’t work. I use version 2.0 of that mod. Can you please fix it?

  29. Good sound amigo !!!

  30. Can you please update to work with 1.17.1? For some reason my game crashes with this mod..

    1. Same as ASD.

      Unfortunately, this Mod doesn’t work with 1.17.1 and crashes the game when loading a profile with your Mod activated 🙁

      We’d love an updated version 🙂

  31. hey kriechbaum good openpipe pack

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