Volvo VNL 780 Brown Classic Interior 25/12/2014Interiors Report Abuse Share a video × Share YouTube video Do you have a video review of this mod? Fill this form and share a video. We share max 3 videos for one mod. Your email address Youtube video address By clicking the button "Send" You consent to have this website store submitted information. Volvo vnl 780 Brown Classic Interior Credits: серега83 DOWNLOAD 2.8 MB « Previous mod Next mod »
The new design of the speedometer doesnt’ work. Still the original appears. The rest works perfectly
Does it hitch up to your trailer the truck mod? and or does your game crash when passing by any Volvo Dealers? Nice Interior ACAB…If anyone has this truck fixed…please let me know thanks!!! Running 1.15 TSM 5.3
Interior tested to what kind of truck ?
thank you